Are you wondering, “How much is a boiler service?” You’re not alone. It’s a question many homeowners ponder, often weighing the cost against the benefits. Let’s explore why investing in a boiler service is not only financially prudent but also crucial for your home’s safety and comfort.

How often should a boiler be serviced?

We recommend getting your gas boiler serviced once a year.

But, forget waiting until the mercury drops; summer is the ideal time for a boiler service. Beat the rush, avoid chilly nights without heating, and bask in the knowledge that your home is snug as a bug when winter rolls around.

Honest boiler service pricing from LFM Gas and Plumbing

We believe in transparent pricing, and our boiler servicing costs from £60.00, depending on the type of service required. For instance, if your boiler needs its combustion chamber cleaned, we will move the burner, necessitating the replacement of seals to maintain optimal performance.

We’ll discuss your requirements and give you a fixed price before we visit, so there are no nasty surprises.

Is it worth getting an old boiler serviced?

In a word – yes! First off, let’s address the elephant in the room; safety. Regular servicing isn’t just about ensuring your boiler runs smoothly; it’s about safeguarding your home and your loved ones. Plus, it’s not as pricey as you might think, especially compared to the hefty bill of an emergency plumber call-out during a boiler breakdown during the bleak mid-winter.

The benefits of a boiler service speak volumes

Having your boiler serviced annually offers numerous advantages that far outweigh the upfront cost. Here are just a few:

  • Optimal performance: Regular servicing ensures that your boiler operates at peak efficiency, which can lead to lower energy bills and reduced fuel consumption. A well-maintained boiler is also less likely to experience breakdowns, saving you money on costly repairs in the long run.
  • Safety assurance: Your family’s safety is paramount, and a boiler service plays a crucial role in ensuring that your heating system is operating safely. During a service, our experienced engineer will inspect your boiler for any potential issues, such as gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks, which could pose serious health risks if left unchecked.
  • Extended lifespan: Just like regular oil changes keep your car running smoothly, annual boiler servicing can significantly extend the lifespan of your boiler. By addressing minor issues before they escalate, you can avoid premature wear and tear, ultimately saving you money on early replacements.
  • Maintained warranty: Many boiler manufacturers require annual servicing to maintain the validity of your warranty. Neglecting this requirement could result in voiding your warranty, leaving you liable for any repairs or replacements out of pocket.
  • Peace of mind: Finally, investing in a boiler service offers peace of mind knowing that your heating system is in good hands. You can relax knowing that your home will stay warm and comfortable throughout the year, with fewer worries about unexpected breakdowns or safety concerns.

How to book a boiler service

To book your boiler service in Basingstoke and surrounding areas, simply call Rob on 07776 303 791 or email

book boiler service basingstoke